Grace Church | Red Hill is an ecumenical community in the Episcopal tradition.


Mission Statement

GC|RH aspires to be deeply rooted, boldly inclusive, and fully committed to the well-being of the earth and all living things.

We trust in God's unconditional love and acceptance of members of the queer community, and affirm LGBTQIA+ inclusion in all areas of church participation and ministry.


Rev. Neal Halvorson-Taylor

Neal has over 30 years of experience in parish ministry in both inner city and rural churches. He is committed to the development of diverse communities, eco-justice efforts, and eco-spirituality practices. He loves to read, hike, cross-country ski, and eat homemade granola. Neal and his wife, Martien, live in Charlottesville. They have two dogs and three children who are making their way in the world.



Emily Little

Co-Senior Warden

Emily serves as co-head of the vestry with Tori Macmillan. They work closely with Neal to shepherd our congregation. When she's not doing church work, Emily can be found working at the Charlottesville Free Clinic, doing climate action work with Community Climate Collaborative, shuttling her kids to dance classes at the Charlottesville ballet, building community with the Ministry of Imagination (meets at Good Shepherd Church on Mondays) and spending time with her husband, Charles and their three children, Maria (9), Serita (8) and James (6) and her cat/fur child, Foster.Contact:


Tori MacMillan

Co-Senior Warden

Tori Macmillan serves as co-head of the vestry with Emily. She looks forward to serving the GC/RH community. She also enjoys her community work with the International Rescue Committee and helping to support food security through volunteering with the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. She and her husband, Jamie, love to hike and be outdoors with their dog Max, grow flowers and food in their garden and visit their adult children Nan and Alex.



ANik sparrman and joshua wright, junior wardens

Anik and Joshua collaborate with Neal and the Senior Warden to oversee the maintenance of Grace Church and Good Shepherd buildings.



Hannah Twaddell

Music Director

Hannah delights in creating a wide range of “joyful noise” with Grace Church’s enthusiastic congregation and its many talented musicians. She is also a transportation consultant, policy analyst, and educator. Hannah lives with her husband, Gordon, daughter, Marion, and a few furry friends in an Albermarle County farmhouse built by Gordon’s grandfather.


Kate lichti RN, M.Div.

Director of children’s ministry

Kate is committed to welcoming families with young children into worship at GC|RH and creating a worshipping community where people of all ages are nurtured and valued. She loves the "Children's Church" model at Grace Church | Red Hill, helping children discover spiritual practices and liturgical rhythms that they can carry with them into adulthood. Kate and her husband, Caleb, have two young children. She also works part time as a nurse at the Charlottesville Free Clinic and
very occasionally as a chaplain
at UVa Medical Center.



Joanna Currey MFA

Assistant Director of children’s Ministry

Joanna seeks to help GC|RH youth and children engage more deeply with themselves, the earth, and their earthly neighbors. Joanna is a gardener, decent guitarist, and poetry writer and teacher, and she works in ecological restoration caring for the native plant systems of the Piedmont region. In addition to her youth and children's ministry role, Joanna leads various creative writing endeavors with the GC|RH community.



Anne Cummins

Communications Coordinator 

Anne collaborates with GC|RH vestry and community members to facilitate communication, website development, the church calendar, and weekly emails. She spends her days schooling her three young kids, tending her garden, and dancing. She is also passionate about living sustainably and finding creative solutions to live in simplicity and solidarity with the earth and others. 




Caleb Hendrickson



The vestry is a group of parishioners (elected annually) who help to establish and articulate the mission of the congregation, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances. In addition to some of the folks listed above, current vestry members include: Cathy Boyd and Emily Wright. Craig Green represents the Charis Community.